Test-Run for a new mapathon concept

Dear mappers,

HeiGIT has developed a new mapathon concept in order to increase mapathon retention rates for humanitarian purposes. This mapathon is designed especially for beginners, so if you haven’t mapped yet, but you are interested in the link of geoinformation and humanitarian aid, and how you can contribute, then you are totally right here!

After the first dates had to be postponed, we can now announce that the event will take place at the 5.(first part) and 11.5.2021 (second part) at 5pm-7pm. The event will take place in English. You can register here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/missing-maps-mapathon-for-beginners-2-part-event-tickets-150635327319

Please note that the event has two parts, so make sure that you can attend both events. You only need a good internet connection, a computer and a mouse.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you!

Best regards,


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