Monthly Archives: July 2018

HOT End of Semester Mapathon & BBQ

Flood events caused serious harm in wide areas of Japan and Sri Lanka over the last couple of weeks. Heavy rain, floods and landslides happened in South West area of Japan and monsoon rains have caused severe flooding in the Kurunagala and Puttalam districts of Sri Lanka.

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has received requests from Japan Red Cross that is working in this affected area as well as from the Disaster Management Centre of Sri Lanka to trace buildings in the inundated areas.

disastermappers heidelberg and HeiGIT/GIScience Research Group invite you to our end of semester Mapathon in which we want to support HOT in these efforts! In contrast to previous events, this time you will not only learn about OpenStreetMap (OSM) and how to contribute, but also get familiar with OSM data validation.

Why? Map data creation is crucial in disaster scenarios and the contributed data can help first responders and the local community to coordinate efforts. The value of OSM data furthermore increases when it is reviewed and lessons learned are ultimately applied. Accurate maps can then help to enable confident use of the data.

Russ Deffner, HOT Associate Project Manager and Activation Working Group, will also be joining use via Skype and provide insights about the projects and the use of the data on the ground.


When?       Thursday 19.07.2018, 6 pm

Where?     Großer Hörsaal, Geographisches Institut, Berliner Straße 48

As usual, we will provide an introduction to OpenStreetMap mapping, therefore there is no previous knowledge needed. Additionally, an introduction into validation of OSM data in the Tasking Manager is offered.

We also reserved the PC Pools, however due to limited availability, bring your own laptop and mouse if available.

Snacks and drinks will for sure be provided!

To round up the Mapathon and enable further get together and exchange, we will moreover fire up the BBQ! Therefore, make sure to bring your ribs or veggies 🙂



1 Million ways to download OpenStreetMap data workshop

OpenStreetMap has become a huge source for any kind of geographic information. In OpenStreetMap you now find not only street information, but also information related to buildings, shops, sights and in Heidelberg even to individual trees.

Furthermore, OpenStreetMap data is open data – everyone is free to edit and to download the data to create own maps and analysis. In our workshop we want to explore this potential together with you.

When: Wednesday, 04.07.2018, 4 pm
Where: PC-labs + Seminarraum, Berliner Straße 48, Heidelberg

Depending on you pre-knowledge, we plan to have different groups.


  • no/ little knowledge about OpenStreetMap and GIS
  • download and visualize OSM data in ArcGIS or QGIS
  • easy queries and styling


  • some knowledge and experience with OSM data
  • select and export only specific OSM objects
  • queries related to different timestamps, users and other parameters

Depending on the number of people interested, we will also offer a workshop for professionals with:

  • already good experience with OSM data and keen to analyse “big data”
  • store OSM data in a database
  • advanced queries for large regions containing many objects


Figure: Get bicycle rentals from OSM data using the overpass API

See you soon,
your disastermappers

PS: We booked the PC-labs, however it may be worth to bring the own laptop.